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Board of Education

The Franklin Central School Board of Education is made up of five members. Board members are elected to five-year terms by qualified voters of the Franklin Central School District at the district election and budget vote each May. The Board elects a President, Vice President, and District Clerk at its annual organizational meeting in July. Members serve without compensation. The school board is responsible for formulating educational and school district policies.


Photo of the BoE_2022


The Board of Education welcomes residents, staff members, students and other interested persons to its meetings. The Board can better represent its constituents when members of the community take the time to attend a board meeting, express opinions, ask questions and become involved in shaping the decisions that affect the education of our children.

The school board meets monthly on the second Thursday of each month (unless otherwise noted) at 5:30 p.m. It is anticipated the board will move to executive session at 5:30 p.m. and the open portion of the meeting will commence at approximately 6 p.m. The meetings are held in the Franklin Central School Cafetorium, 26 Institute Street, Franklin, New York.


Before bringing a concern to the BOE, all parties should first attempt to resolve the issues through the district's chain of command. Items of a highly personal nature involving personnel, litigation, or particular students can only be discussed in executive session.  
Requests to attend Executive Session must go through the Superintendent's Office. Individuals will meet with the Superintendent to state their concerns. The Superintendent will make a request to the Board of Education. 

A list of the regular meetings of our Board of Education is listed at the bottom of this page. Notices of all meetings, regular and special, are also sent to the Daily Star newspaper in Oneonta, New York.

District residents are welcome to bring their concerns to the Board and to express their opinions on matters affecting our school. If you wish to speak at a board meeting during Public Comment, please complete the Public Comment Request Form in the below link, with your topic or agenda item, 24 hours prior to the meeting. If your topic is not accepted, you will be notified.



Individuals who do not submit a request or who indicate they are speaking on issues already discussed or who veer from their indicated topic, will not be permitted to speak.

There will be one specific time set aside at board meetings for “Privilege of the Floor”. During Privilege of the Floor, those who submitted a request to speak during Public Comment will be called upon to approach the podium. The Board asks each person to limit comments to not more than three minutes. Individuals speaking during public comment must speak respectfully and not veer from the agenda item or topic that was submitted.

Comments relating to particular personnel or students should not be raised in the public comment period for privacy reasons. This is not an attempt to restrict public comment but is done to protect the privacy of the individuals involved as required by law.  Anyone engaging in argumentative, rude, profane, untruthful, or obscene comments will be asked to sit down.  Anyone engaging in disruptive behavior may be asked to leave.

Also sitting at the board table at meetings are the following officials:

The Superintendent of Schools serves at the pleasure of the Board of Education as the district's chief executive officer. The superintendent is responsible for the administration of all policies adopted by the Board and the execution of all decisions made by the Board concerning internal operations of the school system. The superintendent advises the Board on the needs and programs of the schools within the district.

The Business Administrator advises the Board on financial matters and on the business management details concerning the district.

The District Clerk is responsible for recording and preparing the minutes of the meeting for approval by the Board and for keeping the official minutes of all board meetings. This person is also responsible for the accurate and timely posting of meeting notices, notifying the public of vacancies on the Board, and for certifying voting lists and district election results.

The Principal sits at the table and stands ready to clarify information presented to the Board on the happenings in and around their respective buildings/grade levels. They also, upon request, give special reports/presentations to the Board.


NOTE:  Board meeting minutes posted on this website are considered "draft" until officially approved by the Board of Education.


Contact Us

Franklin Board of Education

Cindy Ackerley
Secretary to the Superintendent/District Clerk


Board Members

Shannon Hyzer
Term Expires: 6/30/2027

Jamie Archibald
Term Expires: 6/30/2025

Joan Cronauer
Term Expires: 6/30/2028

Patricia Taggart
Term Expires: 6/30/2024

Kelly Kingsbury
Term Expires: 6/30/2026